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Conference Committee

Gheorghe Grigoras, Technical University of Iasi, Romania Hartmut Hinz, Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, Germany Mamdouh EL Haj Assad, University of Sharjah, U.A.E. Lingai Luo, Nantes Université, France

Hasan Aydogan, Selcuk University, Turkey Farhad Shahnia, Murdoch University, Australia Muhyiddine Jradi, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark Ranjan Kumar Behera, Indian Institute of Technology Patna, India Shahrin bin Md. Ayob, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia

Program Committee

International Technical Committee

Andrés Honrubia-Escribano, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Spain Prof. Mohd Junaidi Abdul Aziz Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia Prof. Maciej Dzikuć University of Zielona Góra, Poland Prof. Jahangir Hossain University of Technology Sydney, Australia Prof. Humayun Kabir University of DhaKA, India Prof. MÜSLÜM ARICI Kocaeli University, Turkey

Submission Portal

Mail Address: icsgne@sub-paper.com

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